Elaganze 104
₺ 49.963,00 ( KDV Dahil )Elaganze 104 tezgâh altı soğutucu şarap konusunda gittikçe ciddi düşünmeye başlayan şarap severlerin tercih edeceği bir model. Net iç hacmi 325 lt olan bu kompakt model 104 şişe kapasitesiyle çoğu şarap severin gereksinimlerini karşılayacak yapıda.
Elaganze 104
₺ 49.963,00 ( KDV Dahil )-
- The Elaganze 104 under-the-counter cooler is a model that will be preferred by wine lovers who are starting to think seriously about wine. With a net internal volume of 325 liters, this compact model has a capacity of 104 bottles to meet the needs of most wine lovers.Digital Display
Stainless Steel Back Wall
Hornbeam Rack
Stainless Inner Body
Stainless Outer Body
Two-Wheel Motion System
Strongly Engineered Hinges (5 million door opening tests)
Framless Door
Aluminum Door Handle
Low-E Argon Smoked Glass
Custom Design Rubber Engine MountsProduct Manual
- The Elaganze 104 under-the-counter cooler is a model that will be preferred by wine lovers who are starting to think seriously about wine. With a net internal volume of 325 liters, this compact model has a capacity of 104 bottles to meet the needs of most wine lovers.Digital Display
Elaganze 104 Dual
₺ 62.324,00 ( KDV Dahil )Elaganze 104 Dual tezgâh altı soğutucu şarap konusunda gittikçe ciddi düşünmeye başlayan şarap severlerin tercih edeceği bir model. Net iç hacmi 325 lt olan bu kompakt model 104 şişe kapasitesiyle çoğu şarap severin gereksinimlerini karşılayacak yapıda.
Elaganze 104 Dual
₺ 62.324,00 ( KDV Dahil )-
- The Elaganze 104 Dual under-the-counter cooler is a model that will be preferred by wine lovers who are starting to think seriously about wine. With a net internal volume of 325 liters, this compact model has a capacity of 104 bottles to meet the needs of most wine lovers.Digital Display
Stainless Steel Back Wall
Hornbeam Rack
Stainless Inner Body
Stainless Outer Body
Two-Wheel Motion System
Strongly Engineered Hinges (5 million door opening tests)
Framless Door
Aluminum Door Handle
Low-E Argon Smoked Glass
Custom Design Rubber Engine MountsProduct Manual
- The Elaganze 104 Dual under-the-counter cooler is a model that will be preferred by wine lovers who are starting to think seriously about wine. With a net internal volume of 325 liters, this compact model has a capacity of 104 bottles to meet the needs of most wine lovers.Digital Display
Elaganze 14
₺ 29.076,00 ( KDV Dahil )Tezgâh altı bir şarap soğutucu olan Eleganza 14, Eleganza Serisi’nin en küçük üyesi. 75 lt net iç hacmiyle 14 şişe kapasite sunan Eleganza 14 şarap dünyasıyla yeni tanışan, bununla birlikte orta düzey bir soğutucuya yatırım yapmayı düşünen şarap severler için.
Elaganze 14
₺ 29.076,00 ( KDV Dahil )-
- The Eleganza 14, an under-the-counter wine cooler, is the smallest member of the Eleganza Series. Offering a capacity of 14 bottles with a net internal volume of 75 liters, Eleganza 14 is for wine lovers who are new to the wine world and are considering investing in a mid-level cooler.
Digital Display
Stainless Steel Back Wall
Hornbeam Rack
Stainless Inner Body
Stainless Outer Body
Two-Wheel Motion System
Strongly Engineered Hinges (5 million door opening tests)
Framless Door
Aluminum Door Handle
Low-E Argon Smoked Glass
Custom Design Rubber Engine MountsProduct Manual
- The Eleganza 14, an under-the-counter wine cooler, is the smallest member of the Eleganza Series. Offering a capacity of 14 bottles with a net internal volume of 75 liters, Eleganza 14 is for wine lovers who are new to the wine world and are considering investing in a mid-level cooler.
Elaganze 20
₺ 34.680,00 ( KDV Dahil )Eleganza 20 tezgâh altı soğutucu şarap konusunda gittikçe ciddi düşünmeye başlayan şarap severlerin tercih edeceği bir model. Net iç hacmi 125 lt olan bu kompakt model 20 şişe kapasitesiyle çoğu şarap severin gereksinimlerini karşılayacak yapıda.
Elaganze 20
₺ 34.680,00 ( KDV Dahil )-
- Eleganza 20 is a model that will be preferred by wine lovers who are starting to think seriously about under-the-counter cooler wine. With a net internal volume of 125 liters, this compact model will meet the needs of most wine lovers with a capacity of 20 bottles.Digital Display
Stainless Steel Back Wall
Hornbeam Rack
Stainless Inner Body
Stainless Outer Body
Two-Wheel Motion System
Strongly Engineered Hinges (5 million door opening tests)
Framless Door
Aluminum Door Handle
Low-E Argon Smoked Glass
Custom Design Rubber Engine MountsProduct Manual
- Eleganza 20 is a model that will be preferred by wine lovers who are starting to think seriously about under-the-counter cooler wine. With a net internal volume of 125 liters, this compact model will meet the needs of most wine lovers with a capacity of 20 bottles.Digital Display
Elaganze 20 Dual
₺ 47.135,00 ( KDV Dahil )Eleganza 20 Dual tezgâh altı soğutucu şarap konusunda gittikçe ciddi düşünmeye başlayan şarap severlerin tercih edeceği bir model. Net iç hacmi 125 lt olan bu kompakt model 20 şişe kapasitesiyle çoğu şarap severin gereksinimlerini karşılayacak yapıda.
Elaganze 20 Dual
₺ 47.135,00 ( KDV Dahil )-
- The Eleganza 20 Dual is a model that will be preferred by wine lovers who are starting to think seriously about under-the-counter cooler wine. With a net internal volume of 125 liters, this compact model will meet the needs of most wine lovers with a capacity of 20 bottles.Digital Display
Stainless Steel Back Wall
Hornbeam Rack
Stainless Inner Body
Stainless Outer Body
Two-Wheel Motion System
Strongly Engineered Hinges (5 million door opening tests)
Framless Door
Aluminum Door Handle
Low-E Argon Smoked Glass
Custom Design Rubber Engine MountsProduct Manual
- The Eleganza 20 Dual is a model that will be preferred by wine lovers who are starting to think seriously about under-the-counter cooler wine. With a net internal volume of 125 liters, this compact model will meet the needs of most wine lovers with a capacity of 20 bottles.Digital Display
Elaganze 30
₺ 47.156,00 ( KDV Dahil )Eleganza 30 tezgâh altı soğutucu şarap konusunda gittikçe ciddi düşünmeye başlayan şarap severlerin tercih edeceği bir model. Net iç hacmi 163 lt olan bu kompakt model 3 0 şişe kapasitesiyle çoğu şarap severin gereksinimlerini karşılayacak yapıda.
Elaganze 30
₺ 47.156,00 ( KDV Dahil )-
- The Eleganza 30 under-the-counter cooler is a model that will be preferred by wine lovers who are starting to think seriously about wine. With a net internal volume of 163 liters, this compact model will meet the needs of most wine lovers with a capacity of 3.0 bottles.Digital Display
Stainless Steel Back Wall
Hornbeam Rack
Stainless Inner Body
Stainless Outer Body
Two-Wheel Motion System
Strongly Engineered Hinges (5 million door opening tests)
Framless Door
Aluminum Door Handle
Low-E Argon Smoked Glass
Custom Design Rubber Engine MountsProduct Manual
- The Eleganza 30 under-the-counter cooler is a model that will be preferred by wine lovers who are starting to think seriously about wine. With a net internal volume of 163 liters, this compact model will meet the needs of most wine lovers with a capacity of 3.0 bottles.Digital Display